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Stellenausschreibung: Universitätsassistent/in (Postdoc) „Comparative history of religions and warfare in the premodern world“

Am Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien ist mit 1. September 2017 die Position einer Universitätsassistentin oder eines Universitätsassistenten mit Doktorat im Bereich „Comparative history of religions and warfare in the premodern world“ (befristet bis 2021) zu besetzen.

Stellenausschreibung und Anforderungen lauten im englischen Originaltext der Ausschreibung:

Job Description:
The advertised position is located in the research field of the comparative history of religions and warfare in the premodern world. Participation in research, teaching and administration at the Department of History. The focus of the participation will be in researching the relationship of religion and warfare in either pre-modern China, pre-modern Sub-Saharan Africa, or pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, in collaboration with Professor Philippe Buc. Teaching will be in propaedeutic courses and comparative history, involving pre-modern Europe and either pre-modern China, pre-modern Sub-Saharan Africa, or pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Main tasks include: Participation in research, teaching and administration; participation in research projects; (international) publishing and presentation activities; project application and (external) fundraising; preparation/finalization of a (publishable) habilitation thesis in Comparative History; holding classes due to extent regulations of wage agreement; examination activities; supervision of students; participation in evaluation activities and in quality assurance; participation in administration of the Department.

PhD in premodern history, preferably in the field of either pre-modern Chinese History to the early Qing, pre-modern sub-saharan African History (to circa 1850), or Precolumbian Mesoamerica. Additionally, qualified in European History, e.g., as a second field. The successful applicant has research competence in the relevant religions of either China, Africa, or Precolumbian America, ability to work under pressure, willingness to teamwork, ability to work independently, and high command of written and oral English. S/he has also reading knowledge of the relevant languages, e.g., Chinese, or one or several sub-Saharan languages, or Nahuatl or Mayan. S/he has attested teaching-grade command of European History.

Spoken German is an advantage but no requirement; experience in teaching; experience in (external) fundraising would be a plus; familiarity with university structures and processes. Your application should include the following documents: Letter of intent Scientific CV; list of publications; A pdf of the dissertation and of an article accepted for publication; three reference letters including one from the dissertation advisor.

Die offizielle Ausschreibung im Jobcenter der Universität Wien ist hier zu finden. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 1. Juni 2017.

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Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (10. Mai 2017). Stellenausschreibung: Universitätsassistent/in (Postdoc) „Comparative history of religions and warfare in the premodern world“. BIÖG. Abgerufen am 23. Januar 2025 von

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