Tagung: Multiple Jewries? New Perspectives on the History of Jews in the Habsburg Empire from the 18th Century to 1918 (Wien, 5. – 6. 11. 2014)
Gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien veranstaltet das Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung am 5. und 6. November 2014 die internationale Tagung „Multiple Jewries? New Perspectives on the History of Jews in the Habsburg Empire from the 18th Century to 1918“. Bei der von Martina Steer (Institut für Geschichte) und Thomas Winkelbauer (IÖG) organisierten Konferenz sollen aktuelle Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden in der Habsburgermonarchie präsentiert werden, die einerseits die große Heterogenität jüdischer Bevölkerungsgruppen und Identitäten in den verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen der Monarchie, andererseits den bisher oft unterschätzten Beitrag dieser Gruppen zur jüdischen Geschichte Europas und zur europäischen Geschichte insgesamt in den Blick nehmen.
Eine ausführliche Präsentation in englischer Sprache gibt es hier. Der Folder mit Programm und weiteren Informationen ist im PDF-Format verfügbar.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Welcome, Opening Remarks
Identity – Politics – Reality
Mitchell Ash (University of Vienna)
Nino Gude (University of Vienna): Assimilation or Segregation: The Galician Jews and Ukrainians in Contact
Michael L. Miller (Central European University, Budapest): Don’t Turn the Khazar Question into a Jewish Question
Marsha Rozenblit (University of Maryland): Was There a Habsburg Jewry?
Coffee Break
Jews as Mediators of Entanglements
Olaf Terpitz (University of Vienna)
Joshua Teplitsky (Stony Brook University, New York): David Oppenheim: Prague Rabbi, Imperial Jew
Branko Ostajmer (Croatian Institute for History, Zagreb): Theodor Herzl and Hugo Spitzer: Comparative Biographies
Mitchell Ash (University of Vienna): Jewish Professors at the University of Vienna since 1848: Cultural Entanglement and Contested Discrimination
Jews and Habsburg Politics
Martha Keil (Institute for Jewish History in Austria, St. Pölten)
Joshua Shanes (College of Charleston): “Galicia in Vienna”: The Activities of Galicia’s Zionist Reichsratsabgeordnete in the 1907–11 Parliament
Wolfgang Gasser (Institute for Jewish History in Austria, St. Pölten): The 1848 Vienna Revolution in Four Jewish Diaries
Ofer Dynes (Harvard University): From Paperwork to Prose. Jewish Literature, a Habsburg Imperial Project (1814–1830)
Coffee Break
Round Table
Martina Steer (University of Vienna)
Mitchell Ash, Gary Cohen (University of Minnesota), David Rechter, Marsha Rozenblit
Keynote Speech
Pieter Judson (European University Institute, Florence): Unsere Monarchie. Juden und Andere im späten Habsburgerreich
Location: Festsaal des Alten Rathauses, Wipplingerstraße 6–8, 1010 Wien
(in cooperation with Wiener Vorlesungen and the Association of the Friends of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Habsburg Norms and Jewish Exceptionalism
Stephan Wendehorst (Justus Liebig University, Giessen/University of Vienna)
Martin Stechauner (Hebrew University): How Austrian were the Sephardic Jews of Vienna? Reflecting on the Foundation of the “Sepharad of the Danube”
Rachel Manekin (University of Maryland): Divorce Laws after the Josephinian Ehepatent: Habsburg Jews and the Question of Gleichförmigkeit of the Law
David Rechter (University of Oxford): East of Eden: Bukovina Exceptionalism and Habsburg Norms
Coffee Break
Visual (Self-)Representation of Jewish Identities
Éva Kovács (Vienna Wiesenthal Institute)
Anna Novikov (German Historical Institute, Warsaw): Dynamics of the Visual Perception of the Jews of Lemberg (1848–1918)
Tim Corbett (Lancaster University): The Encoding of Multiple Jewish Identities in the Epigraphy of Jewish Gravestones in Vienna
Carsten L. Wilke (Central European University, Budapest): The Oriental Question and its Urban Answers: Building the Great Synagogue of Pest (1854–1859)
Jewish Communities as Cultural Spaces
Peter Becker (University of Vienna)
Tullia Catalan (University of Trieste): The Jews of Trieste between Habsburg Empire and Italy (1848–1918): a Social and National Perspective
Jasmina Huber (Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf): Europeanization of the Liturgical Music in Belgrade Sephardic Community
Sara Olga Yanovsky (Hebrew University, Jerusalem): Living Together – Studying Apart? Communal Dilemmas and Debates Around the Establishments of Jewish Schools in Vienna and Budapest, from Joseph II until World War I
Coffee Break
Central Peripheries: Challenges of Rural and Small Town Jewries
Gerhard Langer (University of Vienna)
Ursula Mindler (Andrássy University, Budapest): Ambivalence of Jewish Belonging in Rural Areas of Western Hungary/Eastern Austria. The Case Study of Oberwart/Felsőőr
Ines Koeltzsch (Masaryk Institute, Prague): Mobility and Temporary Sedentariness. Rural and Small-Town Jews in the Bohemian Lands and their (Trans-) Regional Migration to the Cities in the Central European Context (1848-1918)
Gerald Lamprecht (University of Graz): Migration and Formation of Jewish Communities in Austrian Province in the 19th Century
Closing Remarks
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (22. Oktober 2014). Tagung: Multiple Jewries? New Perspectives on the History of Jews in the Habsburg Empire from the 18th Century to 1918 (Wien, 5. – 6. 11. 2014). BIÖG. Abgerufen am 8. September 2024 von https://doi.org/10.58079/m10i
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